Shake the basket of accessible entertainment options and check what fell out. It will be something good. Good for your regular life. Sometimes even a great surprise for you. Life should be fun to live, and weekends should have some new and exciting experiences. Unpack the bag of ventures and buckle up for the life long adventure experience. You’ll be amazed by the wide assortment of adventure packed activities available for you.
So what fell out from your basket? Is it an idea for a movie? or Something more thrilling than the movie. Everyone knows the details of his basket. So if we talk about my basket which is full of outdoor and fun activities, the one that fell out is, mountain climbing. Let us open this adventurous chapter and browse the available options. The world is full of adventurous mountainous areas, but you have to select the most fascinating one that is also near you.

But before we start any adventurous journey, we need some really high quality stuff for hiking and mountain climbing. Because safety is our primary concern. When it comes to outdoor gear, there are two options available. The first available option is to shop from your local outdoor gear store(which is not recommended) and the second option is to get your desired products from an online store, that is only dedicated to the outdoor gears. The second option will also get you maximum discount on high-quality equipment. So without any delay head towards Eastern Mountain Sports to browse the huge inventory comprised of camping, hiking, climbing, and other outdoor gears. You can also check out the most recent EMS coupon to save on the trip.
Have you selected the mountain region to start a memorable journey? If not, then no worry! We aim at Pikes Peak as our climbing destination which is the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, in North America. The peak is situated at a height of 14,115-foot from above sea level. It will be a fun adventure to climb at Pikes Peak.

I’ve compiled a list of required gears and items that you’ll gonna need when climbing a mountain. The list only features the necessary items. Let us jump in without losing a moment.
Climbing Footwear
First thing first, you’ll need hiking shoes, ropes, harness, and an axe for sure. The harness should be of top-notch quality and have some more options to tighten up ropes and water bottle so that you will not get fried while hanging from the mountain. Petzl adjama climbing harness is available at a price tag of $79.95 which is really good value to money. The harness features padded waistbelt and leg loops to provide optimum comfort. The new endoframe technology allows excellent weight distribution. The loops present at the front are enough to carry some extra amount of gears and equipment along with you.

Which Quality of Harness is Required?
The 2nd item on the list is LA Sportiva katana lace climbing shoes. These are the lace-up version of La Sportiva. Buy them for a whopping $195 but they are totally worth it. Because it is a multi-terrain shoe that provides excellent grip on big walls, mountains, and boulders equally. So start your journey from anywhere without the fear of rough of smooth terrain. Humidity and other environmental factors won’t affect your feet because these particular shoes are made up of a highly breathable tongue that works in conjunction with the lining for excellent moisture management.

Do Ropes Play a Vital Role?
The third major pillar in our adventure is a rope. Only select the best quality ropes to ensure a safe adventure. We’ve selected the Black diamond 9.9 mm rope with a length of 60 meters. Its a single core rope with a weight of 64 g per meter. You will never feel insecure when using the black diamond. In conclusion, the black diamond is a renowned name in the outdoor gear industry. After all these necessary equipment, select the suitable carabiner, water bottles, and other gears to complete your adventurous journey.