In New York City, the first Labor Day was celebrated on September 5, 1882. Workers protested on their unpaid day off because they were fed up with the demanding 16-hour workdays and unfriendly working conditions. Congress established a law designating Labor Day as a recognized federal holiday in 1894. Since then, people have celebrated it!
Why Is Labor Day Celebrated?

Labor Day recognizes the working people and all of their sacrifices that have supported the development of our nation. The holiday is now observed as the symbolic end of the summer season.
Fun Facts About Labor Day Weekend
The first Monday in September is observed as a nationwide day off from work in observance of Labor Day. People typically spend the day with family and their friends just like on a normal weekend and engage in one last summer activity. There are some facts about Labor Day weekend which are followed as:
Why Is It Banned From Wearing White After Labor Day?
Wearing light colors was a sign of prosperity and status because it meant you could go on vacation in the fall or winter without worrying about ruining your white work clothes. The ridiculous custom we often hear was encouraged by people who couldn’t afford those things and didn’t wear white after Labor Day.
You can wear any color you like, so don’t worry!
How Many People Make Up the U.S. Labor Force?
The US labor force reached its highest level in February 2020 at 164.6 million workers. Any person aged 16 or over who is employed or unemployed is said to be in the “labor force”.
Other Amazing Fun Labor Day Facts

From Memorial Day to Labor Day, 818 hot dogs are eaten every second, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. That’s the equivalent of 7 billion hot dogs: three months and seven billion!
In the United States, Labor Day is considered the third most popular barbecue day.
On this day in 1955, the iconic American restaurant company Waffle House unveiled its first location.
How Can You Spend These Holidays?
You can spend your vacation with your family and friends in a great way by doing activities like the following.
1. Visit The Stores
Labor Day deals are a great time to pick up back-to-school essentials, baby items, and cold-weather clothing basics. Explore the outlets that are available on weekends. Because these days many shops have discounts on various items and you also get discount by using online shopping stores like Overstock Coupon Codes.
2. Go on a Bike Ride
If you’ve been wanting to explore the trails this summer but haven’t yet, now’s the time to get on a bike. If you don’t have enough wheels for everyone in the family, check out nearby bike shops that often provide rentals with maps and suggested routes.
3. Get Your Labor Day Parade Together
Children can learn a lot from the Labor Day Parade. You can demonstrate how to best wave, how to catch and release candy, and how to position yourself for the best exit after the parade is over.
4. Convert Your Backyard into a Theater
Set up an outdoor movie theater in the cool of mid-evening when the lighting is ideal. Make your lawn more comfortable by adding floor pillows and blankets. If you want to go all out, fill a basket with milk and popcorn and hang some lights for extra ambiance and even more fun.Make your homemade hot dogs to eat during the movie.
5. Camping in the backyard
With a sleepover under the sky on Sunday night, you can make the most of a Monday without school or work. You can certainly visit the campground, but why bother even if you can use the kitchen and bathroom at home? You can enjoy other comforts of home. With your family, you can cook different dishes in your backyard.
6. Have a lovely backyard picnic
Make use of your lawn by setting up a simple picnic, by which you will spend the best time with your family. The advantage of being so close to your home is that you can take a few of your favorite items on the go without worrying about them breaking.
7. Take a road trip
A three-day vacation is a perfect time to go on a road trip. Kids can participate by helping you figure out the route and choose which attractions to explore while you’re there. This trip will give you a chance to get to know nature and spend time in a peaceful place.

National Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September. The organized labor movement of the late 19th century was the origin of the Labor Day holiday, which swiftly spread across the country as the labor movement gained prominence in American culture. We hope you’ll like all the fun facts and tips to celebrate Labor Day.