After world wars, we are in the midst of the most difficult
times that the human race has experienced. Although some might look at it as
some sort of illness, but the uncertainty associated with COVID-19 virus makes
it way more than just an illness and more like a silent bomb that goes off
every now and then infecting hundreds in a day and if it continues at the same
pace, would infect thousands on a daily basis. Its ability to replicate itself
and transfer from an infected person to another is remarkable which makes it
extremely dangerous as we do not have any cure or vaccine for it up till now. The
immediate solution to reduce the spread of Coronavirus is isolation. The
situation has forced millions of people to stay at home isolated which results
in so many different kinds of challenges.
Business activities got effected as people were forced to stay at home. Production fell rapidly creating shortage for items which are used on a daily basis. Millions of people panicked and rushed to their neighboring superstores to grab anything they could to stock at home to get prepared for the quarantine period which no one knows how long will last. Videos of empty shelves in supermarkets made rounds on the social media intensifying the panic situation and people start asking how they are going to sustain in this quarantine period. Uncertainty and fear is in the air while people sit at home scared to death and wait for a solution to this global crises.

No matter how hard the times be, humans always try to find a way out and help each other to collectively come out of any given situation. This spirit of humanity and sense of survival allows us to find solutions and help each other to overcome difficult and demanding situations. Big names such as Target, JCPenny, Walmart and others have come forward in the US with immediate responses and big changes in their operations on war footing basis to overcome challenges which people are facing. Brands are doing everything in their power to meet the exponentially increased demand for groceries and certain types of products such as sanitizers, tissue papers and toilet papers. Walmart free 2-Days delivery is being setup so that customers can avail necessary items swiftly. Walmart is updating its blogs on a daily basis with the current developments regarding Coronavirus and their actions to control the situation and you can review it here. These brand are in continuous coordination with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for latest updates and guidance so that the same can be forwarded to customers.

ASDA, Sainsbury’s and many others are doing their best to help customers in United Kingdom where the situation is relatively under control but the fear and panic is high amongst people. Similarly, Woolworths and many other companies in Australia are setting up emergency delivery service for most vulnerable customers such as senior citizens, people with mandatory quarantine situation and disabled people who are in the most need of supplies and no stone is left unturned to reach out to these customers. New partnerships are being made to fulfill the increased demand for certain items and this spirit of humanity is uplifting the morale of people to put up a fight against this Pandemic.

As people are forced to stay at home, online sales continue to increase exponentially and we at try our best to look for latest offers and deals from top brands from every imaginable category of products so that our customers are able to find what they want in a convenient way with savings. We are closely keeping an eye on delivery related news and deals offered by brands and the same are being shared with customers and being updated on our website on a daily basis. We suggest you to pay a short visit at our website and benefit from latest deals put forward by leading brands in the global market.
As universities, colleges and schools across the globe continue to shut down, online classes are being setup to continue the educational cycle without interruption. Many online education applications and software are being used by educational institutions around the world such as Zoom, Scholastic Learn at Home and others to help students and teachers to complete their courses. This might be the start of a new era of online education as many are being benefited from this and educational institutions are seriously considering to incorporate strong online class setup on a permanent basis.

Tips to stay safe as COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe
We urge our customers to stay at home and limit their movement until unless absolutely necessary. Working from home is recommended by many global healthcare institutions and governing bodies so that the spread of Coronavirus can be curbed. Our heart goes out to every human being who got infected or the ones who reside in the most affected areas. We would like to share some tips to stay safe during this hard time:
- Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
- Use facemask
- Maintain social distancing (which is roughly 3-6 feet from the person coughing or sneezing)
- Avoid travelling
- Stay at home and avoid gatherings
- Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands
- People are advised to seek medical care immediately if they have fever, cough or difficulty in breathing
- Practice respiratory hygiene
- Keep yourself updated regarding current developments regarding COVID-19 virus
- Strictly follow advice given by your doctor/healthcare provider
- Try to disinfect surfaces frequently around your home and work place
- While sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with tissue or flexed elbow